Journal Articles (English)

  1. Matsui M, Sumiyoshi T, Yuuki H, Kato K, Kurachi M: Impairment of event schema in patients with schizophrenia : Examination of script for shopping at supermarket. Psychiatry Research, 143 (2-3), 179-187, 2006.
  2. Matsui M, Yuuki H. Kato K, Kurachi M: Impairment of memory organization in patients with schizophrenia or schizotypal disorder, Journal of International Neuropsychological Society,12, 750-754, 2006.
  3. Sumiyoshi T, Higuchi Y, Kawasaki Y, Matsui M, Kato K, Yuuki H, Arai H, Kurachi M: Electrical brain activity and response to olanzapine in schizophrenia: A study with LORETA images of P300. Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry, 30, 1299-1303, 2006.
  4. Takahashi T, Suzuki M, Zhou SY, Tanino R, Hagino H, Kawasaki Y, Matsui M, Seto H, Kurachi M.: Morphologic alterations of the parcellated superior temporal gyrus in schizophrenia spectrum. Schizophr Res. 83, 131-143, 2006.
  5. Kurimoto M, Asahi T, Shibata T, Takahashi C, Nagai S, Hayashi N, Matsui M, Endo S: Safe removal of glioblastoma near the angular gyrus by awake surgery preserving calculation ability-case report-. Neurologia medico-chirurgica 46: 46-50, 2006.

Presentations in International meeting

  1. Matsui M, Takamiya C, Kobayashi T, Kawasaki Y, Suzuki M, Nishijo H, Nakazawa J, Noguchi K, Kurachi M: Brain activation associated with theory of mind : an fMRI study. 29th Mid-Year Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, 2006, 7, Zurich.
  2. Nishiyama S, Matsui M, Furuichi A, Kurachi M: Neuropsychological examination in agenesis of corpus callosum. 29th Mid-Year Meeting of International Neuropsychological Society, 2006, 7, Zurich.
  3. Yamada E., Sumiyoshi T., Takayanagi E., Hori N., Matsui M.: Long-term Reality Orientation Training in hospitalized patients with dementia : 25th CINP(International College of Neuropsychopharmacology) Congress, 2006, 7, Chicago
  4. Sumiyoshi T., Higuchi Y., Matsui M., Arai H., Takamiya C., Meltzer H.Y. and Kurachi M.: Effective adjunctive use of tandospirone with perospirone for enhancing verbal memory deficits and quality of life in schizophrenia: Role of serotonin1A agonism in cognitive enhancement. Serotonin Club Sixth IUPHAR Satellite Meeting on Serotonin, 2006.6 Sapporo.
  5. Sumiyoshi T., Matsui M., Itoh H., Higuchi Y., Arai H., Takamiya C., Kurachi M.: Essential polyunsaturated fatty acids and social cognition in schizophrenia. The Second Dual Congress on Psychiatry and the Neurosciences (INA/WFSBP), 2006.12, Athens ,Greece.
  6. Suzuki M., Zhou S.-Y., Takahashi T., Kawasaki Y., Matsui M., and Kurachi M.: Differential contributions of prefrontal and temporal pathology to development of schizophrenia. 13th Biennial Winter Workshop on Schizophrenia Research, 2006, 2, Davos.
  7. Suzuki M., Zhou S.-Y., Takahashi T., Kawasaki Y., Matsui M., Tanino R., and Kurachi M.: Changes in brain morphology implicating vulnerability and protection factors for psychosis development. 5th International Conference on Early Psychosis, 2006, 10, Birmingham.
  8. Sumiyoshi T., Higuchi Y., Matsui M., Arai H., Takamiya C., Meltzer H. Y., and Kurachi M.: Effective adjunctive use of tandospirone with perospirone for enhanccing verbal memory deficits and quality of life in schizophrenia: Role of serotonin1A agonism in cognitive enhancement. Serotonin Club Sixth IUPHAR Satellite Meeting on Serotonin, 2006, 6, Sapporo.
  9. Ichida F, Watanabe K, Matsui M, Noguchi K, Yoshimura N, Oshima Y, Murakami H, Watanabe S, Hirono K, Uese K, Origsa H, Nakazawa J, Yagihara T, Bilker WB, Gur RC.: Neuroanatomical Development of Infants Undergoing Heart Surgery Evaluated bu Quantitative Three-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging. The 79th Scientific Sessions of American Heart Association, 2006,11, Chicago